



Customer Trust


The Acen Semicon is a company dedicated to innovation in IT and microelectronics, created to apply their advanced knowledge in favor of domestic industry, by entering competitive advantages in terms of safety, cost, and quality. It was created in November 2010 through the initiative of its staff members, coming from technology companies. With complementary profiles and professional experiences in different areas aimed at software and hardware engineering, the partners view some opportunities that motivated the creation of Acen. In September 2011, Acen was approved for incubation at Technology-Based Companies Incubator from Unicamp (INCAMP). In July 2012 approved your project in the First Phase of Innovative Research in Small Companies (PIPE) from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Acen was invited by High Technology Development Pole Company of Campinas (CIATEC) in April 2014. In May 2014 Acen approved your project for Second Phase of PIPE-FAPESP. In June 2014 approved your project within National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq).



Know our Projects

Always looking for innovation, ACEN Semiconductor Inc. is constantly developing new projects in several areas, like Security, Asset Tracking, Healthcare, Semiconductor, etc.
Bringing technology and versatility to market-focused solutions

Security Solutions

Customized Solutions

Health Solutions

Transportation Solutions

Electronic Assembly